Medicines Management & Administration

Aimed at nursing staff and healthcare professionals with responsibility for receiving, storing, administering and disposing of medication, this course provides the learner with all the necessary knowledge for the safe control, handling and administration of medicines within the healthcare environment.

It also examines important topics such as legislation, record keeping, respecting choices and supporting independence.

This course costs £10 (+VAT) = 2 Tokens

Course Content and Training Modules

1. Legislation - What does the Law say about Medicines Management & Administration?
2. The "7 Rights" of Medication Administration
3. Exploring different methods of classification & different types of medication
4. Different routes by which medication can enter the body
5. Medication Administration Record (MAR)
6. Prescribing Medication
7. Types and Reasons for Errors
8. Storing & Disposing of Medication
9. Self-administration & Supporting Independence
10. Contra Indications, Allergies and Overdoses
11. Monitoring Dosage Systems (MDS)